Thursday, May 19, 2011


"The only real valuable thing is intuition." - Albert Einstein

So I've been trying to use my intuition more lately. It is a great device we humans have been given and like all the other bells and whistles at our disposal -like a fully functioning body with the ability to see, hear, taste, touch and speak, and we don't use these 'extras' to their full potential.

Wikipedia describes  it: The  term intuition is used to describe "thoughts and preferences that come to mind quickly and without much reflection".[1] "The word 'intuition' comes from the Latin word 'intueri', which is often roughly translated as meaning 'to look inside'’ or 'to contemplate'."[2] Intuition provides us with beliefs that we cannot necessarily justify. 

I am learning to tap into my intuition  through my daily yoga practice. I find by getting up at 5:45 in the morning to go to my 6:15 yoga class, I am more in touch with my thoughts, body and spiritual well being. Yoga is a system that teaches me to peacefully unite body, mind and spirit. In yoga, your mind is as important as your body.

Here are some other ways to tune into your intuition:

Just let go.
If you are considering any issue that you are not sure about then take a quiet moment. Think about the decision you have to make and then feel inside yourself how you feel. It is this feeling, your intuition that will provide you with the answer to your decision. Its all about trusting your intuition.
Perform self-hypnosis and source self hypnosis tapes as this is one exercise that can develop your power of intuition remarkably.
When you meditate you have the ability to look inside yourself and recognize your thoughts and feelings. This way you can recognize any feeling you may have whether it is good or bad and deal rationally with that thought..
Think positive!
When you think positively you are exuding confidence and happiness with the way your life is at that moment. The power of positive thinking also attracts the good and stays away the bad.
Stay happy!
Sometimes we need to fake  it to make it but when you are happy you are at peace with yourself. Everything is open to you and your mind will be at it most receptive best.
Never expect.
That’s right, you cannot turn your intuition on and off like a light switch. Think about what it is that you would like guidance on and wait for your intuition to tell you. It will not come straight away but will be like a light bulb lighting inside your mind.
Believe in your first impressions.
Developing your intuition can be a powerful resource to you. You have tested your intuition on many occasions and you trust it. When you meet some person on the first occasion then believe your impressions you have of that person. You will rarely be wrong.
Having intuition as a gift empowers you with a remarkable psychic talent that most other people have but do not develop. When you listen to your intuition and learn to trust it, you will find on most occasions your intuitive power was right.

Here is an exercise to try:

Before walking into a building, stop to mentally scan the self for sensations for a few seconds. Mentally affirming that intuitive insight is wanted can help. Statements like, "I am open to intuitive information that is important for me to know," can help. Enter the room, and focus on any changes in the body. Is there a sensation of warmth, cold, heaviness, well-being, or unease? Mentally note those feelings.

Mentally thanking the self for any information or sensations received can reaffirm and reward the self for a job well done and can encourage more development of intuitive awareness.

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