Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fibroid Fun - NOT!

So it's been ages since I've posted anything on here. I feel like I lost part of myself to be honest.
While overseas on a work assignment I developed a terrible problem with my period - it's called Menorrhoea - and it sucks. I was placed on bed rest and then stupidly went back to work even though when I look back in hind sight I was probably on death's doorstep.

Upon returning home to Canada, I discovered I had developed anaemia and have a lovely large fibroid that never lets me forget that it is there. I am constantly have my period and in the mornings it is hellish. I've been to specialist and naturalist and luckily they are all doing their very best to help me with the situation. I even have a surgery date -September 26th, 2011 - which oddly enough is my wedding anniversary. Funny isn't it? Haha. to be honest I am not afraid of surgery. I am only afraid that my Gynaecologist, who is a very good one from what I hear, will need to take more that the fibroid. She warned me of this possibility so I appreciate her honesty. I am doing everything I can to help cut off the blood supply to that sucker so it can't get any more oestrogen  to grow.

I truly believe everything happens for a reason so I am trying to dissect the one behind this health issue. Perhaps it is time for a career switch? Maybe I need to stop taking on my family and friend's personal problems as my own to solve. I also believe I need to find a satisfying creative outlet. So I am on the move and will be attempting to help the Universe make this happen.
Any helpful tips, sites or books on all these issues would be greatly appreciated.


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