Sunday, September 18, 2011

Food Surfing

Forget buying cookbooks, I am all about the Internet cookbooks out there. There are sooooo many great recipes sites out there. I really StumbleUpon because it shows me so many different blogs and compilation site. Here are some I found today.

This one has great links to other cookings sites - AMAZING recipes :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yep, not pretty, but very necessary...

Well, some of you may know that I've been suffering from terrible symptoms due to a large fibroid that grew in my uterus. It was a nasty couple months but thankfully I am over the worst part now.

I had my angels really looking after me the last few months. I had a doctor to take care of me in France, my co-workers were super empathetic and supportive, and  I got fast effective health care from a system that is extremely congested.

I am also very fortunate to work for a government that allows me to sick time with pay and covers medical expenses - thank-you!

So from the time I found out about my lovely little fiby ( as I affectionately called it) to the time it left my body - I was relieved and miserable at the same time. I had little downtime from it's notorious symptoms and I was upset about much it could ruin your good times. I am a girl on the go and absolutely have no appreciation for lally-gagging about all day. However, with a fibroid this problematic I had no choice, I was confined.

A funny thing that happened during all of this that made me realize something - I really need to keep listening to my intuition. When I was told about my surgery I was not the least bit afraid, instead, I was ecstatic. Others thought  me crazy, however, I knew this is exactly what my body needed to have in order to heal and be well. The other amazing thing was that I knew the date of the surgery that the scheduling assistant gave me was not the correct date. When she said the 26th of September, September 1 immediately jumped into my head.  I kept telling everyone that I would get in sooner than that and I was right. when September 1, 2011 arrived I got a call from the OR scheduling officer to ask me if I could come in the next day. I was bouncing off the walls, I was that excited.

Fortunately for me I had an exceptionally talented gynaecologist, superb NAET nurse, powerful laser specialist, amazing naturopath, and incredible surgery and nursing teams to look after me. I was in my surgery for about 2 hours and woke up on the way to the recovery room. I was in a lot of pain, but my terrific anaesthetist jokingly told me that everything went really well and that I really DID need that surgery. Thanks Dr. Fitzpatrick!

the nurses in Unit 4 were incredible. I felt like I was at a Spa with friends. Everyone treated me like I was special and took care of me like I was a baby. I wasn't sure I wanted to leave after three days. I was so happy, relaxed and well taken care of I thought I would be happy there for a while longer.... but alas my hubby and kitties were pulling at my heartstrings and I decided I could make it on my own.

The best part of being home is having all my creature comforts, but the worst is the urge to clean and do things I am not suppose to move furniture or pick up heavy items. Like other peoples' kids - bad idea!

My life has changed dramatically since the fiby has been removed (btw  the tumour was the size of my fist and was asking my body for a lot of estrogen - nasty). I am not anaemic any more. I can go out and not worry about flooding my clothes. My pain is only in my lower abdominal region rather than tons of cramps and pains in my left leg and groin.

I can't wait to be fully recovered so I can do everything I am meant to do.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fibroid Fun - NOT!

So it's been ages since I've posted anything on here. I feel like I lost part of myself to be honest.
While overseas on a work assignment I developed a terrible problem with my period - it's called Menorrhoea - and it sucks. I was placed on bed rest and then stupidly went back to work even though when I look back in hind sight I was probably on death's doorstep.

Upon returning home to Canada, I discovered I had developed anaemia and have a lovely large fibroid that never lets me forget that it is there. I am constantly have my period and in the mornings it is hellish. I've been to specialist and naturalist and luckily they are all doing their very best to help me with the situation. I even have a surgery date -September 26th, 2011 - which oddly enough is my wedding anniversary. Funny isn't it? Haha. to be honest I am not afraid of surgery. I am only afraid that my Gynaecologist, who is a very good one from what I hear, will need to take more that the fibroid. She warned me of this possibility so I appreciate her honesty. I am doing everything I can to help cut off the blood supply to that sucker so it can't get any more oestrogen  to grow.

I truly believe everything happens for a reason so I am trying to dissect the one behind this health issue. Perhaps it is time for a career switch? Maybe I need to stop taking on my family and friend's personal problems as my own to solve. I also believe I need to find a satisfying creative outlet. So I am on the move and will be attempting to help the Universe make this happen.
Any helpful tips, sites or books on all these issues would be greatly appreciated.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lucky to have ...everything

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. 
 ~Meister Eckhar

Sometimes things like grocery stores, gas stations, shopping centres, jobs and money overwhelm me. I think, "How spoiled are we? We have all this money, food, clothing, housing and THINGS at our disposal and yet we rarely think about those who have nothing." 
Last year I met an Anglican minister originally from Africa who moved to Canada in his 30s. He was born in a refugee camp and spent years moving across that great continent to come to the land of the free.When he came through US immigration  they asked him for the colour of his eyes but he could not tell them. He could not tell them because he had never seen himself in a mirror. He had no idea what he looked like or what colour his eyes were. This story shook me.

To this day I think of all the people who live without electricity, running water, heat, the Internet, phones, jobs, transportation, money, FOOD, safety, love, clothes, and family. How tough can the human race be?How weak we can be> In North America we have everything at our finger tips, yet we are rarely thankful and we rarely use them to their full potential. I feel that if we gave thanks more often for all these miracle we take for granted we would help ourselves and in turn help others.

Here is a list of things along with a video of things I am thankful for in my life. What about you?

My fridge, my bed, weekends and evenings, yoga classes every day, shampoo, make-up, coconut milk, coffee, cook books, sushi, sneakers, jeans, my car, veggie chips, Facebook, vacuums, the beach, the desert, work friends, old friends, flying, lines of credit, credit cards, and bank accounts.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Do You Listen?

I came across this poem yesterday on my computer. I had forgotten all about it like most of the other files on there. This poem came to me during another time of awakening and often made me cry tears of thanks for the gift of change, which is so vital in our lives.
I also felt it was important to share it now as Spring has somewhat arrived to those of us on the East Coast.  It only takes about  5 minutes for a smile to show up on your face when you allow yourself to be outside and experience nature.
Dr. Charles Roper wrote this poem in 1992 during his experience with "Outward Bound," a wilderness training intensive for therapists. Dr. Roper writes recovery related books. A big Namaste and Thank-you to him for this amazing poem.
I Listen
by Chuck Roper

I Listen to the trees, and they say:

"Stand tall and yield.
Be tolerant and flexible.
Be true to yourself.
Stand alone, and stand together.
Be brave.
Be patient.
With time, you will grow."

I Listen to the wind, and it says:
Take care of yourself --
body, mind, and spirit.
Take time.
Be quiet.
Listen from your heart.

I Listen to the sun, and it says:
"Nurture others.
Let your warmth radiate for others to feel.
Give yourself without expectations."

I Listen to the creek, and it says:

"Relax; go with the flow.
Tend to what's really important,
and let the rest go by.
Keep moving -- don't be hesitant or afraid.
Lighten up -- laugh, giggle."

I Listen to the mountains, and they say:

"Be there.
Be honest.
Be trustworthy.
Do what you say you're going to do.
Be true, genuine, and real.
Speak from the heart.
Don't cheat."

I Listen to the birds, and they say:

"Set yourself free.

I Listen to the clouds, and they say:
"Be creative.
Be expressive.
Let your spirit run free.
Let yourself be light and gay,
but let yourself be heavy and sad.
Cry when you feel like it."

I Listen to the sky, and it says:
"Open up. Let go of the boundaries and barriers                                                                                                        which you have created to protect yourself.                                                                                                                          Experience change.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fly."
I Listen to the flowers and small plants, and they say:

"Be humble.
Be simple.
Respect the beauty of small things.
Respect the beauty of humility and truth.
Let go of perfectionism.
Love yourself as you are; it opens the door to change.
Practice acceptance."

I Listen to the bugs and flying insects, and they say:

Be productive.
Use your hands.
Focus on what's in front of you.
Ignore the past; there is only the present."

I Listen to the moon, and it says:
Share love.
Make love.
Be romantic -- touch and caress.
Allow yourself to be loved.
Be gentle, kind, and understanding.
Use candles."

I Listen to the stars, and they wink and say:

Dance, be silly, have fun."

I Listen to the earth, and it says:

"I am your mother.
I give you life.
Respect all that is around you.
Find beauty in all things -- living and not -- including
yourself; for we are all one -- not separate.
Be especially respectful to the very young and the very old,
for they are both very near God.
Give up the belief that you are a higher form of life;
there is no higher form of life.
We are equal because we are the same.
When you return to me, I will welcome you,
and I will set your spirit free.
Love and nurture your children; cook good food for them,
and hold them very close to you often.
Hold me close to you often as well,
and I will hold you in return; I will support you.
Have faith.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Looking younger....

So, I haven't been blogging lately due to some other family commitments but I am back with a little update on life.
Lately, I've been feeling like I LOOK old. Not FEEL old, but merely look it. And even though I HATE that I notice it, I can't help it but I want to do something about it.

I am not one for manicures, facials, creams, wraps and such. I am more of a - work from the inside out kind of girl.. I like my vitamins, juices, good food, meditation and yoga! They along with good books, funny movies, great meals, hanging out with friends and watching my kitties.However, lately this is not totally cutting it.

So I've decided to take a look online for some advice on how to LOOK younger.

Here are some of the best tips I found:

1.Prevention Magazine - great tips here that are very helpful like - take 1,00mg of omega 3 a day, wear V-necks instead of scoop necks, avoid refined flour and pasta to avoid acne and eat honey to keep your lips plump and soft.

2. Shine -Lots of links to great site with fabulous tips like: soften your hairstyles and add highlights, wear less make-up, whiten your teeth,  and use navy instead of black eyeliner to whiten your eyes.

3.Telegraph - The Brits have always been known for their honesty and I really like a few of their gems such as: cut sugar from your diet, get more sleep, sleep on a silk pillow case, shape your eyebrows,  wear the right colour blush, and my favorite, try facial acupuncture.

4.Makeupgeek - I am not a big make-up person but I do know it's value when it comes to looking younger. This site offers advice such as : use a tinted moisturiser instead of powder, curl your lashes, wear light shimmer powder and wing your lines!

Okay to be honest I am getting caught up with these superficial tips. Can't wait to try some out soon.

Let me know your best youthful tips!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lessons of life

1. You have to have your heart broken to open it.

2. You don’t have to get along with everyone, or make everyone like you.
3. When you decide to do something with kindness, you usually make the right decision

4. You always have at least 2 choices, even if you don’t like your choices.
5. When you want to cheer yourself up, you should try cheering someone else up.

6. Most people operate out of selfish motivations.
7. It’s rarely about you.
8. Soda is evil. Apples are good.
9. It’s okay to break the rules, as long as you are good enough not to get caught, and you aren’t hurting anyone.
10. When you're in love, it shows.

11. Being kind is more important than being right.

12. Time doesn’t heal anything- it’s what you do with that time.
13.That you should never say "no" to a gift from a child.

14. Everything in your life is your responsibility.
15. You train people how to treat you.
16. There’s always hope.
17. You can always be grateful for something.
18. If you aren’t making mistakes, you aren’t trying hard enough.
19. You never really become an adult. You just get more responsibility, and become wiser.

20. Showing emotion is not a sign of weakness. Knowing when it is appropriate is a skill.
21. Google can answer anything.
22. Being silly is one of my favorite qualities in a person.
23. Honesty is always the easiest route. Even if it’s not in the short term.
24. You should never stop learning, or trying to be a better person.
25. Worrying is useless, unless it motivates you to take action.
26. When people show you who they are, believe them.
27. There is only fear, and love. And one of them is way more fun.
28.That life is tough, but I'm tougher.
29.Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things turn out. 
30.That when you harbour bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.
31.That I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.
32.That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.
33. Doing 30 minutes of exercise to start your day will make things a lot brighter.
34. Go with your gut - always.
35. Open your third eye by closing the other two.
36.Breathe - it is a miracle.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yoga Butt-Kicking

So my hubby is on a new work schedule and I've decided to change my yoga work-out schedule so we can still drive together in the morning. You see I am a morning bird and I love working out in the morning so this evening thing is a challenge for me. I find yoga revs me up instead of chilling me out. It's 9:00 p.m. and I still need to shower and go to sleep. Yes, I will learn to adjust. One step is to start walking in the mornings for 30-45 minutes, just to wake me up and set the right tone to my day.

Well tonight my first evening yoga class took place at 7:30p.m. and it was a Hot Yoga flow. I thought, I am going to be fine, I do Moksha 5 mornings a week. Well, my wonderful teacher is a dominatrix, she royally kicked our butts in this yoga class! It was 60 minutes of trying to Keep It Together. I thought vomit might FLOW right out of my ears I was that queasy from the up, down, plank, right knee on top of right shoulder then back to plank and upward dog. Blahhhh. I did Ashtanga yoga, a Vinyasa flow yoga, for over 6 years years and I  have never felt that ill in my life. I was in Child's Pose more times than I can count and I am sure it was because Suzy Sunshine had the heat jacked up another 10 degrees just to make it extra special.

However, there were many things I was very thankful for during the class:
1. - I know how to breathe. What a blessing it is to know how to slow your breath and calm your thoughts along with your nerves. There were many times I thought I would go into panic mode and every time my mind would gently say.....BREATHE ....JUST breeeeaathe. I could believe how much that helped me finish the class.

2. - It's all about me. The class was full and I would say half of them were from our local dance theatre company because they twisted like elastics, but what I kept saying to myself was, "this is not a competition, it is all about you listening and finding YOUR edge, not theirs".  I forget that so often in real life but I am thankful it shows up in my yoga practice. Learning when to back off and when to test yourself a little more is all about following your intuition, which comes from messages your body sends to the brain. It can be a brilliant system if we just tap into it.

3. - Overcoming a challenge is rewarding. During the class I was repeating at times....okay I don't know if I am "enjoying" this enough to come back and "suffer" some more, but what is hilarious about the mind and body is that it loves a good challenge. I will only grow from doing that class and when I master it, I will be so proud of myself. Then I will have to find a new one because for me there is nothing more satisfying that ticking off that box that says DONE!

Because in the end, the practice of yoga is to lead you into the most important and HARDEST posture of them all SHA-VAH-SAH-NAH.
It is harder to be still and let go than to do. Opposite of what most of us think, I know, but one of the most rewarding postures and lessons around.

I hope you all find your Shavasana daily.



Friday, May 20, 2011

I can do It!

It's been a great week at work. I am really finding that my attitude is affecting the outcome of my efforts. Lately I have made a concerted effort to tell myself repeatedly that things are marvellous for me, that things are working in my favour and the Universe only wants the best for me so I should let the best in, and you know what? It works!

There is a fine balance between listening to your inner voice and that of the Universe. Maybe it is my inner ear listening to the Universe's voice and then relaying it's message to me.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, the intuition exercises are working well too. I imagine I am more content and accepting because I know all will happen according to the Greater Plan. There is no need to worry as worry only wastes precious time and energy and gets you nowhere fast.

This photo was taken in Amsterdam last year at this time. It reminds me of a wonderful day spent with a friend who knew how to listen to his inner voice as well. Off we set on a great adventure in one of the most amazing cities in the world. We left behind two uncertain cast mates and made our own adventure flick to live by. We really took Opportunity by the hand and let our hearts' desires guide the way. What a great day!

Listening, following and being thankful for the awareness of the Universe is going to be a daily routine to create.

Namaste all!
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Thursday, May 19, 2011


"The only real valuable thing is intuition." - Albert Einstein

So I've been trying to use my intuition more lately. It is a great device we humans have been given and like all the other bells and whistles at our disposal -like a fully functioning body with the ability to see, hear, taste, touch and speak, and we don't use these 'extras' to their full potential.

Wikipedia describes  it: The  term intuition is used to describe "thoughts and preferences that come to mind quickly and without much reflection".[1] "The word 'intuition' comes from the Latin word 'intueri', which is often roughly translated as meaning 'to look inside'’ or 'to contemplate'."[2] Intuition provides us with beliefs that we cannot necessarily justify. 

I am learning to tap into my intuition  through my daily yoga practice. I find by getting up at 5:45 in the morning to go to my 6:15 yoga class, I am more in touch with my thoughts, body and spiritual well being. Yoga is a system that teaches me to peacefully unite body, mind and spirit. In yoga, your mind is as important as your body.

Here are some other ways to tune into your intuition:

Just let go.
If you are considering any issue that you are not sure about then take a quiet moment. Think about the decision you have to make and then feel inside yourself how you feel. It is this feeling, your intuition that will provide you with the answer to your decision. Its all about trusting your intuition.
Perform self-hypnosis and source self hypnosis tapes as this is one exercise that can develop your power of intuition remarkably.
When you meditate you have the ability to look inside yourself and recognize your thoughts and feelings. This way you can recognize any feeling you may have whether it is good or bad and deal rationally with that thought..
Think positive!
When you think positively you are exuding confidence and happiness with the way your life is at that moment. The power of positive thinking also attracts the good and stays away the bad.
Stay happy!
Sometimes we need to fake  it to make it but when you are happy you are at peace with yourself. Everything is open to you and your mind will be at it most receptive best.
Never expect.
That’s right, you cannot turn your intuition on and off like a light switch. Think about what it is that you would like guidance on and wait for your intuition to tell you. It will not come straight away but will be like a light bulb lighting inside your mind.
Believe in your first impressions.
Developing your intuition can be a powerful resource to you. You have tested your intuition on many occasions and you trust it. When you meet some person on the first occasion then believe your impressions you have of that person. You will rarely be wrong.
Having intuition as a gift empowers you with a remarkable psychic talent that most other people have but do not develop. When you listen to your intuition and learn to trust it, you will find on most occasions your intuitive power was right.

Here is an exercise to try:

Before walking into a building, stop to mentally scan the self for sensations for a few seconds. Mentally affirming that intuitive insight is wanted can help. Statements like, "I am open to intuitive information that is important for me to know," can help. Enter the room, and focus on any changes in the body. Is there a sensation of warmth, cold, heaviness, well-being, or unease? Mentally note those feelings.

Mentally thanking the self for any information or sensations received can reaffirm and reward the self for a job well done and can encourage more development of intuitive awareness.